Linggo, Setyembre 1, 2013

on being solo

I love the beginning of September.The seasons of weather in the philippines change (drastically, i think due to climate change).And, i always felt much more like christmas is on the next day (well,pinoys is known having long christmas celebration). Chrismas songs starts to play on the radio and i'm excited to get a taste of bibingka again. Well, aside from i love September because of Mama, Rochelle, Waki and some close friends birthdays it is also my favorite month for travel. 

I never have people express so many opinions about my travels , especially when I decided to go solo. Aside from hearing,"Oh thats amazing! " or "You're going there alone ? ", as if they questioned my decision of going alone. Which for me is a challenge and that is what i imagined.

Every solo trip i had, i made sure my direction sense is working ( i believe it has improved tremendously). And with the help of some info's from the net i think it redefined my strategy.

There are many questions about my solo travel, and it seems that they also want to try it but i think they are somehow apprehensive or somewhat intimidated. I may give out some insights and my reasons on why SOMETIMES travelling solo is great. I hope this will help you planning your own solo trip.

Traveling alone is an amazing experience but it is also demanding. Most importantly to those who said that "travelling alone is lonely", i beg to disagree, this mentality is not true. So, if you plan to travel solo i suggest you ask yourself first. Why do you want to travel? Are you looking for relaxation, adventure, or you just want to explore. Think about what you want to get out of the travels you plan.  Then, planning a budget is very much needed for solo travel. So i suggest you make sure or you have an idea of what the basic expenses will be during your trip. Solo Travel forces you to meet people, you'll have a chance talking to them, especially locals and really experience another city or province.So best thing you can do is do a research of your chosen destination first, then try to make more effort to learn a few words of their language and take in what the locals are doing.

I hope you enjoy your solo travels as much as i do. Good luck. Happy travelling.

Like always, I can only note my opinions based from my understandings. I am sure there are many of you out there who might not agree with me, and since we are a free country i'm free to give my opinion.

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